Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ten Books I Almost Put Down But Didn't


Hi everyone!!! :)

Today I want to share with you my top Ten Books I Almost Put Down But Didn't.

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Ready player one by Ernest Cline. The story was appealing as much as I expected, but once I finished it and saw the whole picture, I was very happy that I put it down. It was great!!! :D

The club Dumas by Arturo Pérez-Reverte. Actually I put it down this book, but I wanted to give it a second chance. I started it and I couldn't put it down.

The sisterhood of the traveling pants by Ann Brashares. I had watched some scenes from the movie and I liked those, so I decided to pick it up. I started reading it and it seemed to me it was a silly story. I thought to put it down, but before I wanted to read just another page... So, finally, I couldn't put it down. I read the whole series and I loved so much that I've bought 2 of the 4 books in the series. It was really great :D 

These all the books I could think of, but let me know if you have some books that you thought: "I don't like this I'm going to put it down", but fortunately you didn't :)