Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Something Bookish Comes This Way

Hi everyone!!! :)

Well, today I want to talk about two events which are coming "soon".

The first one is Banned Books Week. It's from 30 September to 6 October and I learned in the official page that this year it's also the 30th Anniversary of the Banned Book Week. I've been looking in some pages which banned books I could choose to read in this week. Unfortunately, I found a very long list and some of them I was shocked to find them on it (Harry Potter, seriously?) I think that books should NOT be banned. I think that you could say as in films that this book is not appropriate for your age or see what your parents think, but not ban them!

Well, I looked my shelves and I picked up these 2:

 I want to read this one for a long long time, but in the end I choose other books. Well, this week is the perfect time to do it.
A friend of mine gave it as a present and I put it on a shelf thinking one day I'd read it. Well, this day is 30 September ;)

The second event is the Dewey's Read-a-thon I can't believe that almost 6 months has passed since the last time I was participating. The Dewey's Read-a-thon is happening on October 13th. I always choose participate in this read-a-thon because it's perfect for me to catch up on my reading, choose a lot of cool books while I take a day off only reading and eating. Loooove it :)

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