Saturday, July 28, 2012

A late TGIF: Christmas in July

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Hi everyone!!! :)

Today the question is 

              If Santa were to come down your chimney in the middle of summer, which books would you want him to leave for you under the tree?

And this is my list

Now I'm reading the 3rd book of the series and I love it too as the other two books I've already read, so it would be nice to have all of the series under the tree.

I've read the other two books David Levithan and Rachel Cohn and I looooooooooove them. Great books! And I'm sure I'm going to enjoy reading this one so, yes, please Santa leaves me this one too :)

Another book I'd really want to have is this one. The last book of the Paranormalcy series. I learned that it came out this week, so, please Santa, buy it for me.
Another book I'd like that Santa brought is Isla and the happily ever after written by Stephanie Perkins. I know that it hasn't come out yet, but I'm sure that Santa has his contacts ;)

I really love Neil Gaiman books. I have already started this one and it's really good, but since I can't read it on my e-book I want Santa brings it to me as a real book.

Recently I've learned what this book is about and I've loved the plot :) Quickly I looked for it in my library, but I haven't been able to find a copy, so please Santa brings me this book too :)
Well, these are my books, but what are yours?


  1. I can't wait for Isla and the Happily Ever After! So far, I've LOVED Stephanie's books ;)

  2. Yes, me neither :( I want it to come out now!!!! hahahaha
