Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Book Chat: desert island books

Hi everyone!!! :)

Today I'm going to participate in a book chat hosted by Misty from The Book Rat. The chat is about what five books I'd take to a desert island .

1.- What book would  you like to take  to the island that you have already read and want to read again?

Lola and the boy next door by Stephanie Perkins. I really loved the book because it's funny and romantic. So I would definitely take with me to the island and re-read it in one sitting :)

2.- What book would you take that you've never read before but you really want to?

The end of the affair by Graham Greene. I think I had this book in my TBR pile forever and I want to read it. I watched the trailer of the film and I thought the story was interesting. I hope it won't let me down.

3.-  What childhood book would you take?

 Das doppelte Lottchen by Erich Kästner. I read this one in Spanish not in German, but I couldn't find the Spanish cover or English cover. Anyway, I looooooooooove this book. I read it when I was a kid and I remember finding it very funny and entertaining. I highly recommend it.

Besides, do you know all the  The Parent Trap films are based on this book? yes, it's the story of two twins that meet each other in a camp and discover they are sisters.

4.-  What series would you like to take with you?

Paranormalcy series by Kiersten White. I love this series although I haven't read all the books yet. Evie is very funny and strong and Lend, well, Lend the best guy in the world :) yeah, I love him.

5.-  A freebie book.

I've heard only good things about this one and I would definitely take with me to the island.

Well, this is me. but what about you?

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